Just a few pictures I wanted to share with everyone. And I wanted to take a minute to thank you all for making the scrapbook retreat a wonderful, wonderful event. I had a blast and I hope you all did, too! Enjoy the pictures...
Here are some early arrivers. Already hard at work. But don't be deceived... they were having a blast!!! Debbie, aren't you glad you changed your mind at the last minute? You know you couldn't miss hanging out with all of us for a long weekend!

Ok, I can't even believe I was up this late Thursday night. Oh, that's right, I was in bed and asleep by 9pm Wednesday night and I was ready to party!!! Jeanne, Sheri, Debbie and Keli... LADIES... you are ALL crazy!!!

Ok, Vickie. I hope you are proud of yourself. You outbid our friend Lyla and took that bag right out of her hands! And she SO thought she was going to win that one! It really is a pretty bag! Maybe next time, Lyla!

Michelle is so intent on working on whatever that is she is working on. HEY, WOMAN... congratulations on winning the layout contest Saturday night! WOOHOO, MICHELLE!!!!

Ok, Julie, what ARE you doing? Marcy is wondering the same thing!

WHY do we have to travel with SO much stuff! WHY??? Because we are afraid we will need that one button that in there SOMEWHERE!!!

Ok, Jeannine and Tanya... Fess up... ARE you sisters or not? Jeannine, was this your first retreat or NOT? Tanya, great pages, but GIVE UP STEALING!!!

Anyone hungry? Was anyone EVER hungry this weekend? If you were, that would definitely be your OWN fault!

I think if I were to have one more piece of ANYTHING from this table, I would absolutely POP!

Tysha was on the phone with that sweet little boy of hers. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it. Brought a tear to my eye and gave me goosebumps!

Nope, you didn't see any pictures of Janet in here. She was the one who had a hot date EVERY NIGHT with that fantastic husband of hers!
I hope everyone had half as good a time as I did. I hope everyone had a save trip home. I hope everyone got the stuff out of their cars okay and I hope you will get it unpacked at your own leisure! Until next time....
Happy Scrapping, everyone!