I can honestly say, I am almost done packing... Scrapbook stuff, anyway! I have no clothes packed, but who cares! I've got scrapbook stuff and retreat stuff packed! And when Shirley gets here with the van Wednesday morning, we'll be loading up and heading to Branson! I can't believe day after tomorrow at this time, the room should be all set up and I hope to be all ready for you all to start showing up on Thursday! WOOHOO!!!! Off to do some laundry, watch Dancing with the Stars and finish up printing some things for the weekend. Talk to you all soon!

Loved the pictures! They tell the story...Sounds like all of us are just thinking about the scrapbook stuff we are taking; I hope we all have clothes when we get there!!! I know we will all have embellishments, but I don't want to wear them like "fig leaves". NOW THERE IS A VISUAL NONE OF US NEED!! Have a good day. Lavon